Today I finished Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course, the first I complete in the Udemy learning platform. Thanks to the instructor Ranga Karanam for his good work and explanations, also for putting support material in this GitHub Repository.
The first part is about Spring Boot, which is a framework to simplify the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. Here I built a RESTful service with Spring Boot looking at different and important aspects like REST specification, logging, database abstraction layer with JPA, exception handling, internationalization, HATEOAS, etc.
The second part is about developing six different microservices making them work together with Spring Cloud, which is a framework for building cloud applications. It has a lot of components and we worked with Spring Boot Configuration Server for distributed configuration, Feign for REST calls, Ribbon for client-side load-balancing, Eureka for naming service, Zuul for API Gateway, Zipkin for distributed tracing and Hystrix for fault-tolerance.
For the third part, the course brings two appendixes, one about Spring Boot and another about JPA. Although I didn’t expect much from them, they surprised me because are good for refreshing knowledge and starting new projects. In conclusion, I enjoyed the course, learned a lot a left all my documentation in this GitHub repository.