
Minikube installation in Ubuntu

Minikube is a tool to run Kubernetes locally as a single-node cluster, which is very useful for learning and developing. A regular Kubernetes installation needs at least three hosts. The first one will be the Kubernetes Master, the cluster manager. The rest will be Kubernetes Nodes, which are responsible for running the workloads. Installing kubectl There is a tool called kubectl for managing Kubernetes clusters. We will install it before, and Minikube installation process will configure it correctly.

DockerEE installation in CentOS 8

DockerEE is Docker’s official container platform to build and share any application seamlessly and with high-velocity being capable to use both Docker Swarm and Kubernetes as orchestrators. As it’s an enterprise-grade platform, it includes high automation, authorization, high availability, and security features. DockerEE includes the three solutions in the table below: Component Description DockerEE Docker enterprise engine including Docker Swarm and Kubernetes Docker UCP Universal Control Plane: The cluster management solution DTR Docker Trusted Registry: The image storage solution In this post, we will learn how to install all the components of DockerEE in a single virtual host for testing purposes.