

Arr, mateys! In 2014, I was lucky enough to move to Colombia. My initial plan was to stay for a few months, but in the end, I stayed until late 2019. It was an amazing experience, one of the experiences with more libre software in my life. When I came back to Europe, I was looking forward to attending FOSDEM, but Covid hit us, and there was no in-person event. The same thing happened in 2021.

FOSDEM 2020 videos are publicly available

FOSDEM is one of my favorite free software events. I went for the first time in 2013 with my friends Dabid, Laura, and Marcos. A few months later I moved to Colombia and could not visit the event for several years. This year the event was held on 1st and 2nd February. It had a lot of interesting talks: IoT ethics, Kubernetes, Guix, automation, freedom on AI, open infrastructure, Kubernetes in ARM (Raspberry Pi 4), etc.

I Love Free Software Day 2020

Free Software Foundation Europe yearly celebrates the I Love Free Software Day at Valentine’s Day. It’s a very special which spreads love and free software worldwide. It’s when we give our recognition and thanks to the contributors of different free projects, including maintainers, contributors, and other activists. This date is the most appropriate to give them the recognition they deserve, and I decided to show publicly my love for some Free Software projects which were important for my professional career using the tag #ilovefs.

The phenomenon of mass migrations to Mastodon

On the last Sunday of 2019, an earthquake shook Twitter in Spain. Many users of leftist ideology denounced that the social network was closing their profiles to censor them. One of the most influential users is perhaps Profe Rojo, also known as Al otro lado del muro, who also reported the facts. During 2019 the social network of the bluebird had already closed his account three times, so he announced that he would migrate to Mastodon.

Urte barri on! 2020

Zirraraz jantzita doa iragan dugun urtea, nik ezin esan nezake aspergarria izan dela. Gora behera guztiak zorionez oroitzea, nahigabeak itxaropen bilakatzen jakitea. Badakit nondik natorren, ez dakit norabidea, baina garrantzitsuena bide osoa gozatzea. Laster gaude elkarrekin lagun eta senideak, zuoi opa dizuet poza ta software askea.