FOSDEM is one of my favorite free software events. I went for the first time in 2013 with my friends Dabid, Laura, and Marcos. A few months later I moved to Colombia and could not visit the event for several years. This year the event was held on 1st and 2nd February. It had a lot of interesting talks: IoT ethics, Kubernetes, Guix, automation, freedom on AI, open infrastructure, Kubernetes in ARM (Raspberry Pi 4), etc.
Free Software Foundation Europe yearly celebrates the I Love Free Software Day at Valentine’s Day. It’s a very special which spreads love and free software worldwide. It’s when we give our recognition and thanks to the contributors of different free projects, including maintainers, contributors, and other activists.
This date is the most appropriate to give them the recognition they deserve, and I decided to show publicly my love for some Free Software projects which were important for my professional career using the tag #ilovefs.
Have you ever made changes that you regretted? Git relies heavily on its history, and you may feel that your latest commit only contributes to creating a big mess in it for the other developers of the project. If you already did a commit and now you want to delete it, don’t worry, there is a solution for that. You can remove the last commit from the git history with the command below:
On the last Sunday of 2019, an earthquake shook Twitter in Spain. Many users of leftist ideology denounced that the social network was closing their profiles to censor them. One of the most influential users is perhaps Profe Rojo, also known as Al otro lado del muro, who also reported the facts. During 2019 the social network of the bluebird had already closed his account three times, so he announced that he would migrate to Mastodon.
DockerEE is Docker’s official container platform to build and share any application seamlessly and with high-velocity being capable to use both Docker Swarm and Kubernetes as orchestrators. As it’s an enterprise-grade platform, it includes high automation, authorization, high availability, and security features. DockerEE includes the three solutions in the table below:
Component Description DockerEE Docker enterprise engine including Docker Swarm and Kubernetes Docker UCP Universal Control Plane: The cluster management solution DTR Docker Trusted Registry: The image storage solution In this post, we will learn how to install all the components of DockerEE in a single virtual host for testing purposes.
Zirraraz jantzita doa
iragan dugun urtea,
nik ezin esan nezake
aspergarria izan dela.
Gora behera guztiak
zorionez oroitzea,
nahigabeak itxaropen
bilakatzen jakitea.
Badakit nondik natorren,
ez dakit norabidea,
baina garrantzitsuena
bide osoa gozatzea.
Laster gaude elkarrekin
lagun eta senideak,
zuoi opa dizuet
poza ta software askea.
Seems that I’ll work with Chef soon, so it’s time to review some lessons about it. After browsing the web for a while, I found that using Virtualbox to virtualize infrastructure and Vagrant to manage it as code is the easiest and fastest way to provision new lab environments for Chef.
The first step to start working is to create a baseline, a minimal workaround built with one server host and two nodes.
Did you see the new comment box at the bottom of the page? Or tried to visit through HTTPS? Those are the new features implements this weekend to increase privacy and two-way communication.
SSL certificates are generated by Let’s Encrypt with no cost, so if you have a web hosting with SSL support, this is a great option for you. If you don’t, in Gitlab Pages you can host for free a static site generated with Hugo, as I did.
Today I finished Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course, the first I complete in the Udemy learning platform. Thanks to the instructor Ranga Karanam for his good work and explanations, also for putting support material in this GitHub Repository.
The first part is about Spring Boot, which is a framework to simplify the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. Here I built a RESTful service with Spring Boot looking at different and important aspects like REST specification, logging, database abstraction layer with JPA, exception handling, internationalization, HATEOAS, etc.
Some time ago I was taking the course Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud but I had to leave it because these days I was getting very busy. Yesterday, after three months, I returned back and after pushing changes to GitLab repo, I noticed that changes were made with my GitHub email address instead of using the GitLab one.
Last commit could be easily changed with the command below: